Search Results for "clean"


Part two of Roxie Rain video - VIDEO

Part two of Roxie Rain video
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

This video features Roxie Rain, a painfully attractive bodybuilder, and Jacques. The poor guy is trying to clean the room with a vacuum cleaner while Roxie is taking a nap. Bad idea...

Roxie Rain bodybuilder Jacques clean room vacuum cleaner nap

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Roxy Rain vintage 1 - VIDEO

Roxy Rain vintage 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

This video features Roxie Rain, a painfully attractive bodybuilder, and Jacques. The poor guy is trying to clean the room with a vacuum cleaner while Roxie is taking a nap. Bad idea...

Roxie Rain bodybuilder Jacques clean room vacuum cleaner nap

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Respect all, fear nun - part six - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part six
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part six We use 100 pound weights, because if you only use 50s, you get a very crowded bar. Hilde had four on each side, so she was pushing 800 pounds steadily up and down. And then I realised. She had meant kilograms, I did a quick calculation in my head - double it and add ten per cent, and the 450 came to - oh my giddy aunt! "Nine ninety," I told Nora, "she's topping out at 990 pounds. Not even you can do that." "Eight twenty is my current best clean and jerk," she said, "she's pushing a thousand." A thousand pounds, of course, is the hope and prayer of every St Hilda's nun. It's a nice round number - five disks on each side of the bar. Nora eyed her enviously. "I wonder what they use instead of Septadecaherbis", she mused, "and whether I can try it?" "Ask her," I grumped. Nora grabbed my rosary after compline. "We need to talk," she said, and showed me a small bottle. "What is it?" I asked, curiously. "She calls it Siebzehnkraut," Nora said. I sniffed it cautiously, it didn't smell like Septadecaherbis. "I'm going to try it," Nora announced. "Nora! You shouldn't! You don't know how it will react with you." Nora shook her head, and said "990 pounds. I'm so there." A week went by. Pray and lift, pray and lift. We were happy, the offsprings were happy and the dogs were ecstatic - it doesn't take much to make a dog happy. Nora was dosing on Siebzehnkraut, and I was measuring her biceps every day. By the end of the week, she'd put on half an inch to 26 1/2, and her bench press had gone from 670 to 710. It looked like Siebzehnkraut was the real McCoy. I talked to Hilde. "Can we get more of your Siebzehnkraut?" I asked bluntly. "Ab naturlich," she smiled. "I will der mutterhaus schreiben." Well, that was easy. I thought I'd have to twist her arm a bit to get her agreement, and I was pretty sure that her arm was much too big for me to twist. And while we were waiting for the package from Germany to arrive, Hilde shared her own supplies with it.

Respect fear nun weights crowded bar Hilde pounds kilograms calculation giddy aunt Nora clean and jerk hope prayer St Hilda's nun round number disks Septadecaherbis bottle Siebzehnkraut react biceps bench press measuring real McCoy Hilde mutterhaus Germany supplies

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Rogue Genie (Part 1 - Rogue) - PDF

Rogue Genie (Part 1 - Rogue)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Rafael)

During a cavern exploration, the adorable, diminutive Kevin finds an old lamp, only discovering later at his home when he attempts to clean it that it actually houses a Genie, by the name of Rogue; a playful and attractive looking girl, who before long uses her cosmic powers to become Kevin's secret sexual fantasy - namely a tall, powerfully built Amazon woman! The first of this series of stories from Puppetman, illustrated incredibly by Rafael!

cavern exploration adorable diminutive Kevin old lamp discovering home clean houses Genie Rogue playful attractive girl cosmic powers secret sexual fantasy tall powerfully built Amazon woman series of stories Puppetman illustrated Rafael

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The plough girl, part one - TEXT

The plough girl, part one
Price: 3.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyrie)

Olga is a plough girl - she pulls the plough for her village. They are too poor to own a horse or ox, so a plough girl does the job. Then war hits Ukraine. She joins the fight, but there are just too many well-armed Russians. The villagers are made to flee; Olga goes to New York. Olga is a tall, strongly built, over-sexed blonde. Her lack of experience in Western ways, gets her into trouble, but her powerful muscles keep her safe. Her striking good looks and well-developed figure lead her into many sexual situations; her kind and gentle nature is the reason why so many men survive her lovemaking. "The plough girl" is a series of stories; each week you can follow Olga's adventures.

Olga Mike Kennedy Blossom plough girl Kenya six foot six heavily muscled immense legs colossal breasts 36 inch door Plough Girl Squadron street crime bean counters cancel project NYC Chicago clean up streets

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The plough girl, part two - TEXT

The plough girl, part two
Price: 3.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyrie)

Olga is a plough girl - she pulls the plough for her village. They are too poor to own a horse or ox, so a plough girl does the job. Then war hits Ukraine. She joins the fight, but there are just too many well-armed Russians. The villagers are made to flee; Olga goes to New York. Olga is a tall, strongly built, over-sexed blonde. Her lack of experience in Western ways, gets her into trouble, but her powerful muscles keep her safe. Her striking good looks and well-developed figure lead her into many sexual situations; her kind and gentle nature is the reason why so many men survive her lovemaking. "The plough girl" is a series of stories; each week you can follow Olga's adventures.

Olga Mike Kennedy Blossom plough girl Kenya six foot six heavily muscled immense legs colossal breasts 36 inch door Plough Girl Squadron street crime bean counters cancel project NYC Chicago clean up streets

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The plough girl - part three - TEXT

The plough girl - part three
Price: 3.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyrie)

Olga gets a new job at the KittyKat Klub, and deals with a gun man by crushing the gun with her powerful fingers. Olga is a tall, strongly built, over-sexed blonde. Her lack of experience in Western ways, gets her into trouble, but her powerful muscles keep her safe. Her striking good looks and well-developed figure lead her into many sexual situations; her kind and gentle nature is the reason why so many men survive her lovemaking. "The plough girl" is a series of stories; each week you can follow Olga's adventures.

Olga Mike Kennedy Blossom plough girl Kenya six foot six heavily muscled immense legs colossal breasts 36 inch door Plough Girl Squadron street crime bean counters cancel project NYC Chicago clean up streets

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The Plough Girl squadron, part 1 - TEXT

The Plough Girl squadron, part 1
Price: 3.00

The Plough Girl squadron, part 1 Olga decides to join the New York Police Department, with a special task to clean up the streets. Back in her village, Olga was the justice system; police, prosecution, judge and punisher. And that's her role now. Discover, stop and chastise the perpetrators. And "chastise" isn't just verbal. Punishments will be physical. "Protect snd serve" is the task of the Plough Girl, and Olga recruits three other plough girls for her squadron. Four huge and powerful plough girls should be enough to handle most of New York.

Plough Girl squadron Olga New York Police Department clean up streets village justice system police prosecution judge punisher role discover stop chastise perpetrators verbal punishments physical protect and serve task recruits three other plough girls squadron four huge powerful handle New York

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The plough girl squadron, part four - TEXT

The plough girl squadron, part four
Price: 3.00

Olga and Mike go to Kennedy to meet Blossom, the new plough girl from Kenya. Six foot six and very heavily muscled, with immense legs, like all plough girls. But Blossom had truly colossal breasts, much bigger than even Olga, and she wouldn't fit through a standard 36 inch door if she tried going sideways. The Plough Girl Squadron was so successful at suppressing street crime, that the bean counters decided to cancel the project, since street crime was now so low. So Olga came up with plan B, which was to relocate from NYC to Chicago, a city in great need of plough girls to clean up the streets.

Olga Mike Kennedy Blossom plough girl Kenya six foot six heavily muscled immense legs colossal breasts 36 inch door Plough Girl Squadron street crime bean counters cancel project NYC Chicago clean up streets.

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